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    Saturday, March 15, 2008

    Wednesday, March 5, 2008

    Reaching New Heights

    When Charlotte awakened from her nap on Monday, I heard her crying from the dining room where I was working on the computer.

    I took my time going to her, engrossed in whatever I was doing. When I finally opened the door of her room, I was shocked to find my little bundle of just-learned-to-army-crawl goodness staring me right in the face with white knuckles gripping the rails of the crib. That's right. She was standing up! She's only 8 months old.

    Does that make her "advanced"? (There's only one right answer to that question.)

    Brotherly Love

    Already, Charlotte annoys Clark at times. I often hear, "Maw-om. Charlotte pulled my hair!" or "She's squeezing my nose." or "Charlotte kicked off her shoe. That's not nice."

    But, even in the midst of being annoyed and irritated, Clark loves Charlotte in such a special way, and it makes Mom and Dad extra proud.

    Yesterday, as I was driving the kids home from pre-school/MDO, Clark--with breathless excitement--said, "Mom, my whole life, I've wished for a little sister, and now I have one! Charlotte's my little sister!"

    Then tonight Clark said, "Charlotte's the best sister I could ever have," and, later, "We prayed all day and all night for a baby, and we got Charlotte. Right, Dad?"

    We pray that Clark and Charlotte will always have a tender heart for each other.